Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lets talk about sex...

So as you probably know we have had issues about sex, but not at all last night. See if you let things happen they will just happen; we were hanging out with some of her friends before going downstairs to just hang out and relax. We looked at the time and were surprised to see it was only 11pm we both thought it was a lot later. So we were happy because this meant more time together and possibly (boom boom) yup we call sex boom boom. Anyways, we were watching some t.v. and cuddling and I started to wrap my arm around her pulling her closer into me. I began to slowly slide my hand along her side and under her shorts and than started to slide further down when all of sudden she grabs my hand to stop me. I looked at her with a what is wrong with you look and she said "I'm not sure I can return the favor." "Why? It's still early for us" "Yeah, but you suck the life out of me." I couldn't help but smile because as much as it would suck not to get it I still enjoy satisfying her. So I said it's okay and continued to seduce her anyway.
Now I'm not going to get into extreme detail due to the fact I don't want Dee to be mad and two because I don't feel comfortable with it either. So to sum it up for you it was very good for her, so good I thought I wasn't going to get any. So I kissed her slowly down her inner thigh, sat up and layed down next to her. Then she began to put moves on me and before you know it was on!
Now I am like a teenage boy I won't lie or be ashamed of it, sometimes I just get so excited I guess you could say that I get too excited too soon. Now sometimes she would be like okay I guess we're done. But I really want more because I do want her, but last night was AMAZING! Like lets see 2 times and the OH! 1. I was shocked that one she lasted for as long as she did because it was like bam and then a little while later bam bam and then the OHHH... So it's a good day!! :)
Last night was amazing not just because of the sex because sex is something sacred and people should take it more seriously. Sex has major consequences and yes it does have its perks but you still have to be careful. When you are with that special someone sex is always great because every time you are having "sex" you are really making love. Which is a beautiful thing and I will cherish forever...

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