Saturday, June 12, 2010

We communicate differently

In this day and age we no longer write letters with a pen and paper and slip it into an envelope and send it in the mail. No, that is too complicated and slow; we no longer call someone when we have a quick question we text message. When we do not want to talk to someone we check our caller I.D. and see who is calling us and ignore it if we feel like it. People are no longer finding their soul mates by bumping into a guy/gal at some shin dig anymore. We are making love profiles and seeing if we are compatible; like I said we communicate differently these days.

Due to this day and age I actually met my fiance that way. Many people may act shy or embarrassed even to admit it but I am not. I met here via myspace; now before you start thinking what was I thinking?!! It is so dangerous etc. It wasn't exactly a hey let's meet up and have no idea who I am meeting sort of thing. I had messaged her stating I wanted to get to know her as a friend. I just recently had my heart broken and ripped out and not knowing as to why. So I thought I'll play the field sort of speak and not get attached or too involved. So I tried it but I hated it; it wasn't me at all I was never the type of person to just mess around and not be serious. I loved committed relationships and being with just one person and that one person just being with me; I like thinking of the possibilities as a couple that you can one day have together and share forever. So I decided to stop playing the field and just be me and let life happen and enjoy it.
To this day I still say I don't know how I ended up with her (DeeAnna) I thought wow she's pretty BUT I want to only be friends. I knew well I thought that was all she would want to because I thought there wouldn't be a physical attraction right away or anything. But we kept in touch and only after 2 messages the third one I got her number, and I couldn't have been happier! I did think I was "the Shit" because of it.
So I texted her and I didn't want to stop than I grew the courage to ask her over for dinner. To my surprise she said yes! I remember cleaning my room making sure I was all good looking and smell great! Than I receive a text message saying she cannot come because her cousin got into a accident. At first I thought she was blowing me off and than I realized that to make up an excuse like that would be super messed up and she didn't seem like the type. Than I again I didn't really know her but either way I wanted to play it cool and not let her know I was bummed really bad that she wasn't coming over. So I was like yeah OK well talk to you later, but she was so concerned and kept telling me she was sorry and how she was upset. I couldn't help but be there for her and I told her I would go to the hospital or anything she needed I'd be there. She said thank you and that we were to plan dinner together again.
We did and well needless to stay she spent the night.
The End.
Just kidding... I'll spill some juicy stuff for you. After dinner and chatting we went upstairs to my room to hang out. I was living with a roommate so I mainly was in my room watching t.v. or playing videos games or surfing the web on my lap top. So it was not like an invitation to get our freak on upstairs or anything like that. We went upstairs turned the t.v. on but I cannot remember at all what I put on the t.v. I remember we were laying in my bed, and we began making out hard core. I was so intoxicated by her mouth, her lips soft and strong her tongue against mine. I could not get enough of her, I held her tighter kissed her longer and harder each time. I don't remember ever even breathing, I just remember the rush of feeling her in my arms and her warmth and how every time I kissed her I wanted her even more. I knew that I could no longer hold myself back I knew I wanted to make love to her, my heart,mind and body were certainly telling me as well; but I wouldn't until she was my girlfriend.
So while I am on top of her staring into those eyes of love and wonder I asked her to be my girlfriend, I knew that we both agreed to take it slow but I knew she was all I wanted there was something about her I could not resist and I was going to make her mine! Than I asked her to be my girlfriend she barely said yes before I was wanting to seal it with a kiss. Needless to say there was endless love making for hours. From Dusk until Dawn we made love and to this day I will never ever forget that night.
Love comes in all different shapes, colors and ways; do not turn it away just because you don't think you can obtain that love embrace it and do not fear it.

1 comment:

  1. good call...
    communication has greatly altered the way our relaitonships work...whether they are friendships, intimate or working relationships. the new age of communication is crazyyy.
    loveee the juicy parts baby, haha
    i'm so happy for you and d <3
