Wednesday, June 16, 2010

same sex relationships does not mean its easier

Okay let me clear up a huge misconception same sex relationships are not easier!I don't think they are harder or easier, relationships first of all are not based on sex it's based on the individuals put together. For example two women being together could get scary if both women are PMSing which we are! So that explains the ridiculous nit picking and fighting, let me give a recommendation; RUN TO THE STORE!!! Get ice cream, chips, and chocolate stat! These things may come in handy because if one or both of you (lesbian couples)are pmsing trust me you are going to be glad you are prepared.
On the other hand it does help that we are the same sex because we understand why we may be acting a certain way (pmsing) but like most relationships gay or straight one of the two always asks: "Are you pmsing or something?" Ooooh does that really chap your bottom! And of course you give the death glare and say no than look away. Now we all know the truth you are pmsing but you are pissed someone called you out on it. So you try to play it off like it is something else that is bothering so you pick on them for something. No matter how old or mature we may get we all resort to the six year old defense at times; quick to point fingers back and tattle tale. Right? Come on we all have. Then there are those moments were you want to just smother them with hugs and kisses for example; I had asked Dee to please do some laundry by the time I got home I just wanted a clean pair of shorts. What does she do? She makes sure that I had a pair of shorts and one of my favorite comfy ones and layed them out for me. When I got home I was not expecting for them to even be clean but there they were layed out for me. I changed and I lay next to her in bed and she was like "I remembered to wash your shorts." "I saw you even layed them out for me." Then sealed with a kiss and night of cuddling. It is the simple things that matter the most, it is the moments we all need to hold on to forever.
Just remember ALL I repeat ALL relationships take time and understanding from both people involved. They take patients, love and kindness; but remember to always choose your words wisely because you never want to say something you regret. You know the saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt? Who ever came up with that all I can is what in the hell were you on?! Words can hurt you just as bad as a stick or a stone, shit we sometimes wish it were a stick or stone rather than what the person said. Like my friend Becca said don't go to bed mas at each other; trust me 1. you are going to sleep like crap and 2. morning is sure going to be awkward. ahhaha

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